I perform many historic preservation services in addition to historic evaluations and design review.
Supplemental Information for Historic Resource Determinations
Basic property research and documentation required by the San Francisco Planning Department.
Written and visual documentation of historic properties including Historic American Building Survey (HABS)
Historic Context Statements
Reports addressing historical themes and patterns of development
Historic Resource Evaluations (HRE)
Property history research, documentation, and evaluation of historic status required by many jurisdictions.
Historical Displays
Written context for plaques, brochures, and displays.
Historic Resources Surveys
Inventory and documentation of historic resources.
Project Review & Secretary of the Interior's Standards Analysis
Review of a proposed project according to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Historic Designation Nomination Applications
Applications for designating a property as a city or local landmark, the California Register of Historical Resources, or National Register of Historic Places.
Expert Testimony
Explain research findings before public agencies and commissions.